Navbar's menu really sometime trouble blog's landscape that our for. If is erased will breach prevaling TOSS, continually how it's trick yes ?
After i look for to know some way to remove navbar's menu, finally i find to make the point that just fine to trick out it. Autohide is navbar blog's menu you, menu navbar will be hidden from blog you and will emerge if cursor were moved to go to blog's upper you therefore menu navbar will emerge. Direcrtly just yeah, nothing left i can't yet get platitude inopen a discussion question.
Autohide is navbar' menu :
1. Login to your account blogger.
2. Layout click then edits html.
3. Sought for code as hereunder :
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 5;
border: 0;
text-align: center;
color; $mainTextcolor;
background: #ffffff;
front-size; small;
4. Place code hereunder right above code body{
#navbar-iframe{opacitu: 0.0, filter:alpha(opacity=0)}
#navbar-iframe: hover{opacity: .0;filter:alpha(opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}
5. Save template then blog's see click to see happening change.
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