Welcome back to those readers who are still anxious to finosh this. How friends, whether there are any questions before i restart this job. If you finish with the good, the result will be the same as below.
1. Select the bezier tool to draw a line. Click left to start and click again to end the production line.
2. Active the line we just created, right click and select properti.
3. Click file and select import to add pictures to the card looks to be interesting.
4. Put a picture right in the middle of abusiness card. Active the image and right click. Select the order and select the order to back of page.
5. Click the text tool and write your home address. Write yaour complete address and place where you want.
6.Aktif the font we just created. Right click and select copy, disable the font and then right click and select paste. (Font is active again)
7. Move the font to position you want.
8. Change text fonts into office address, your personal data, or what you want.
9. Repeat point 22 and point 23, only this time you should chenge your name written into
10. Change the font type and colour of your line. Sorry i can not tell how change the font type and font colour, because i thing you already understand ho to change this.
11. If you follow wy writing carefully, the result will be same as below.
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