Welcome to my blog. Because of the demands of my job as a drafter, ihad to make a design that requires me to make a picture wwith coreldraw. After i learn and try to draw by using coreldraw, this time iwant to give a little knowledge about how to create a business card using coreldraw. In principle, any program design must have the same comand. It's just that we never try to make us look stiff and make us think would be difficult to try something new. Onthis accasion, i intentionaly provide the knowledge how to design a business ard using coreldraw so that i become more accustomed to using coreldraw. Before i begin, i apologize to the experts coreldraw if i am considered a smart ass. But clearly i did not intend for that, but i just try to give something that i could because i get it for free as well.
Create a business card with coreldraw
1. Open coreldraw program on your computer.
2. Click on the layout - page setup
3. In a coloumn option. Click on the size and follow the intructions as below :
a. Select : Normal size of the background paper and landscapes.
b. Paper : Costum
c. Width : 90
d Height : 55
e. Units : milineters
4. Select bacground
5. Select solid color and specify thay you want.
6. Make writing :coreldraw" way below.
a. Click the fonts.
b. Writ "coreldraw" and place it as shown below.
c. Change the form font "harlow solid italic 24 pt"
d. Change font color to yelow.
7. Making the font outlines.
a. Click the font "coreldraw"
b. Click on the outline tool.
c. Choose a thick font line thickness
8. Changing font color outside the lines.
a. Right click on the font "coreldraw"
b. Click on the icon outline tool and select the color change black to red color.
9. Thi initial phase is completed. If you follow it carefully, then the result will be like the image below.
10. Ok then concentrate your mind.
11. Point the cursor toward the ruler.
12. Click the left and hold, then point your cursor to be bottom as shown below.
13. Make a point 12 until the results as shown below.
14. Create a line as asweetener business card.
a. CLick the bezier tool.
b. Move the cursor right on the edge of pages of documents and ruler line below which we have made earlier and click on the left.
c. Move the cursor to the right but still aligned with the line below and click the left ruler.
d. Move the cursor over and click the left ruler
e. Move the cursor to the right but still aligned with the line and then click ruler on the left.
15. Do it again 8 points, only this time the medium is not the font but the line we just created
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